Cold sores are very unpleasant and, thankfully, very common. However, not everyone who gets a cold sore has the virus that causes them. In fact, you can have the antibodies to fight off the herpes virus but never get a cold sore. Most people only have a mild prodrome period right before the cold sore appears, which then develops a scab, turns pink and eventually grows into a sore. Learn more about cold sore treatment. But there is one type of cold sore treatment that can make the difference.
There are various kinds of cold sore treatment, including medications and natural remedies. Some of the medications available can also help you deal with fever blisters. If you're looking for a cold sore treatment that will work faster and more effectively than fever blisters or other types of medications, then the following may be right for you.
Topical creams are one of the most popular cold sore treatments. These creams, often applied directly to the cold sores, stimulate cell growth and help speed up the healing time. These creams should be used no more than two weeks before the actual outbreak. Creams work by providing a soothing sensation around the area of the cold sore, encouraging healing time and decreasing pain. Although some people experience relief after using topical medications, they aren't as effective if used at any other time.
Vitamin A or Vitamin B2 supplements are another popular cold sore treatment. Vitamins A and B prevent the release of the herpes simplex virus from the body and also help speed up the healing time. These vitamins can be applied directly to the cold sores or taken orally. They can be bought over-the-counter in various brand names or obtained through a doctor's prescription.
Tea bags are another popular home remedy for cold sores. These tea bags can be swished around the area of the cold sore to provide pressure and help relieve the pain. The first tingle is usually the strongest and lasts the longest. After the first tingle, the medication gets weaker and finally stops. Get more info about rosacea treatment. This provides sufferers with the added comfort of relief without waiting for the first tingle to disappear.
Other home remedies include applying apple cider vinegar to the area, or taking lysine and magnesium supplements. Apple cider vinegar, a natural astringent, helps to speed up the healing time and reduce the inflammation caused by cold sores. Taking lysine and magnesium, both taken as supplements, also speeds up the healing process. Most importantly, however, make sure that these ingredients are part of your cold sores treatment regimen so that you will have an easier time with the healing process and minimize discomfort. Learn more from